To run the benchmark paste/type: sudo curl | sudo bash

Brand: Amazon AWS ElasticBlockStore

Amazon AWS ElasticBlockStore
Amazon AWS ElasticBlockStore
Brand Overview
Brand:Amazon AWS ElasticBlockStore
Popularity:#598 / 1,675
# Tests:12
Rank (Overall):#1,613 / 1,675
Rank (Type):#0 / 0
Rank (Class):#0 / 13
Top Scores
10,816Anonymous9/21/22 3:27 pmElasticBlockStore
4,599bld12/20/22 2:08 amElasticBlockStoreAWS c5.2xlarge using gp2
3,386Anonymous6/4/22 11:09 pmElasticBlockStoreAWS t3.small with gp3 EBS 20gb volume
3,221Spectrality11/27/23 1:04 pmElasticBlockStoreAmazon EC2 product: t3.micro
3,212Spectrality11/27/23 1:01 pmElasticBlockStoreAmazon EC2 product: t3.micro
2,952Anonymous6/4/22 9:49 pmElasticBlockStoreAWS t3.small with 10gb EBS volume
2,889ere2/20/24 12:51 pmElasticBlockStoreere
2,831aws7/13/23 5:44 amElasticBlockStoreaws
2,819amazon aws1/19/24 10:34 amElasticBlockStorec instance ebs
2,817aws ebs c6gd.medium1/19/24 10:46 amElasticBlockStoreaws ebs
2,744no7/18/24 8:42 pmElasticBlockStoreteste apenas my brother
2,744Anonymous11/6/23 7:07 amElasticBlockStoreec2
Recent Scores
2,744no7/18/24 8:42 pmElasticBlockStoreteste apenas my brother
2,889ere2/20/24 12:51 pmElasticBlockStoreere
2,817aws ebs c6gd.medium1/19/24 10:46 amElasticBlockStoreaws ebs
2,819amazon aws1/19/24 10:34 amElasticBlockStorec instance ebs
3,221Spectrality11/27/23 1:04 pmElasticBlockStoreAmazon EC2 product: t3.micro
3,212Spectrality11/27/23 1:01 pmElasticBlockStoreAmazon EC2 product: t3.micro
2,744Anonymous11/6/23 7:07 amElasticBlockStoreec2
2,831aws7/13/23 5:44 amElasticBlockStoreaws
4,599bld12/20/22 2:08 amElasticBlockStoreAWS c5.2xlarge using gp2
10,816Anonymous9/21/22 3:27 pmElasticBlockStore
3,386Anonymous6/4/22 11:09 pmElasticBlockStoreAWS t3.small with gp3 EBS 20gb volume
2,952Anonymous6/4/22 9:49 pmElasticBlockStoreAWS t3.small with 10gb EBS volume