To run the benchmark paste/type: sudo curl | sudo bash

Brand: Corsair MP600 Core Mini

Corsair MP600 Core Mini
Corsair MP600 Core Mini
Brand Overview
Brand:Corsair MP600 Core Mini
Class:SSD (M.2 NVMe)
Popularity:#271 / 1,674
# Tests:50
Rank (Overall):#35 / 1,674
Rank (Type):#35 / 984
Rank (Class):#34 / 281
Top Scores
63,164Anonymous7/26/24 6:40 pmMP600COREMINICorsair 600
62,984Anonymous7/16/24 5:39 amMP600COREMINIglobalpi5
62,812Anonymous12/7/24 7:48 pmMP600COREMINIpcie 3
62,115jamiefletchertv7/23/24 2:36 pmMP600COREMINIPi5 8GB Overclocked with MP600 Core Mini 1TB on Waveshare PCIe to M.2 HAT+
61,898Anonymous11/28/24 11:39 amMP600COREMINIbenchmark
61,727Anonymous12/28/24 6:40 amMP600COREMINIMP600 Corsair Micro 1Tb
61,108Anonymous10/10/24 9:46 pmMP600COREMINI
60,920Anonymous9/15/24 10:11 pmMP600COREMINICorsair MP600 CORE Mini
60,763short9/14/24 3:12 pmMP600COREMINICorsair 600
60,727Anonymous12/7/24 8:03 pmMP600COREMINIpcie 3
60,658Anonymous9/9/24 8:57 pmMP600COREMINICorsair MP600 CORE Mini 2TB on Pi Official NVME hat
60,646Anonymous8/4/24 3:01 amMP600COREMINICorsair MP600 Core Mini on Pi 5 using WaveShare HAT-PCIE-2242
60,558Anonymous8/4/24 3:05 amMP600COREMINICorsair MP600 Core Mini on Pi 5 using WaveShare HAT-PCIE-2242 v2
60,533Anonymous10/29/24 10:25 pmMP600COREMINI
60,532Anonymous6/12/24 7:59 amMP600COREMINIpi5 corsair mini core mini
Recent Scores
43,262Anonymous1/13/25 8:03 pmMP600COREMINIunknown
61,727Anonymous12/28/24 6:40 amMP600COREMINIMP600 Corsair Micro 1Tb
60,115Anonymous12/25/24 2:26 amMP600COREMINI1
37,911Anonymous12/24/24 9:43 pmMP600COREMINI1
58,569nidget12/10/24 5:34 pmMP600COREMINICorsair MP600 Core Mini 1 TB on Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 PCIe to M.2 NVMe SSD hat
60,727Anonymous12/7/24 8:03 pmMP600COREMINIpcie 3
44,014Anonymous12/7/24 7:51 pmMP600COREMINIpcie 2 2
44,130Anonymous12/7/24 7:50 pmMP600COREMINIpcie 2
62,812Anonymous12/7/24 7:48 pmMP600COREMINIpcie 3
61,898Anonymous11/28/24 11:39 amMP600COREMINIbenchmark
44,091Anonymous11/21/24 5:20 pmMP600COREMINIpi5
44,038Anonymous11/21/24 5:05 pmMP600COREMINI
44,261Anonymous11/16/24 5:11 pmMP600COREMINIKruse - Docker Host
41,930lumisade11/9/24 9:44 amMP600COREMINICorsair MP600 Core Mini on Pi 5 using M.2 Hat+
38,479lumisade11/8/24 1:17 pmMP600COREMINICorsair MP600 Core Mini on Pi 5 using M.2 Hat+