To run the benchmark paste/type: sudo curl | sudo bash

Brand: Corsair MP600 Core XT

Corsair MP600 Core XT
Corsair MP600 Core XT
Brand Overview
Brand:Corsair MP600 Core XT
Class:SSD (M.2 NVMe)
Popularity:#391 / 1,675
# Tests:27
Rank (Overall):#26 / 1,675
Rank (Type):#26 / 984
Rank (Class):#25 / 281
Top Scores
67,106mike913908/27/24 2:51 pmMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
66,911mike913909/2/24 6:03 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
66,683mike913908/24/24 2:29 pmMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
66,324mike913908/4/24 12:39 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
66,148mike913908/15/24 11:54 pmMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
66,099mike913909/7/24 7:16 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
66,038mike913908/26/24 7:58 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
65,976mike913908/4/24 12:40 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
65,575mike913908/7/24 5:28 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
65,562mike913909/20/24 8:22 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie
62,641Anonymous1/14/25 5:52 amMP600COREXT
62,500mokuiper1/23/25 2:14 pmMP600COREXTpi5 16gb corsair ssd
61,724Anonymous1/14/25 5:49 amMP600COREXT123
60,740Anonymous1/14/25 6:48 amMP600COREXT4613
60,360Anonymous1/14/25 5:48 amMP600COREXTMP600 CORE XT
Recent Scores
34,363Anonymous2/2/25 8:59 amMP600COREXTNVME
32,413MP600 CORE XT2/1/25 6:01 amMP600COREXT
34,221Anonymous2/1/25 5:51 amMP600COREXTMP600 CORE XT
62,500mokuiper1/23/25 2:14 pmMP600COREXTpi5 16gb corsair ssd
42,628Anonymous1/22/25 1:09 pmMP600COREXT
44,399mokuiper1/22/25 1:08 pmMP600COREXTm600 pi5 16gb
60,740Anonymous1/14/25 6:48 amMP600COREXT4613
44,214Anonymous1/14/25 5:58 amMP600COREXT123
60,239Anonymous1/14/25 5:53 amMP600COREXTMP600 CORE XT
62,641Anonymous1/14/25 5:52 amMP600COREXT
61,724Anonymous1/14/25 5:49 amMP600COREXT123
60,360Anonymous1/14/25 5:48 amMP600COREXTMP600 CORE XT
43,922Anonymous1/14/25 5:32 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT
14,454Anonymous11/30/24 2:54 amMP600COREXHDD Externe
65,562mike913909/20/24 8:22 amMP600COREXTCorsair MP600 Core XT on Raspberry Pi 5 using Geekworm X1001 Pcie