To run the benchmark paste/type: sudo curl | sudo bash

Brand: Kingston SSDNow V200

Kingston SSDNow V200
Kingston SSDNow V200
Brand Overview
Brand:Kingston SSDNow V200
Class:SSD (2.5" SATA)
Popularity:#384 / 1,675
# Tests:28
Rank (Overall):#589 / 1,675
Rank (Type):#570 / 984
Rank (Class):#128 / 370
Top Scores
15,550Anonymous4/9/20 10:03 amSVP200S3120GKingston SVP200S3120G
12,751Anonymous3/12/24 6:59 amSVP200S37A120GKingston 120GB SSDNOW 200
8,536Anonymous3/25/20 3:14 pmSVP200S360Gkingston ssd now 60
8,353Anonymous3/15/20 4:17 amSVP200S360G
8,122Anonymous1/1/22 6:12 pmSVP200S37A120GKingston SSD Now 200
7,649StG4/6/23 2:22 pmSVP200S3120GRPi4 with Kingston SSDnow 200
7,545Anonymous7/10/21 12:19 pmSVP200S37A60GKingston SSD NOW 60GB
7,531StG4/6/23 2:18 pmSVP200S3120GRPi4 with Kingston SSDnow 200
7,461Anonymous1/18/22 11:54 amSVP200S360GKingston SVP200S360G 60GB SSD
7,371StG4/6/23 1:02 pmSVP200S3120GRPi4 with Kingston SSDnow 200
7,188Anonymous9/20/21 2:22 amSVP200S37A60GKingston on Pi4
7,153StG7/28/22 5:01 amSVP200S3120GPi with Kinston SSD
7,145Anonymous11/26/21 8:07 amSS200S330GTest
6,953Anonymous5/18/22 7:40 amSVP200S3240GKingston SSD 250GB
6,784Anonymous5/18/22 11:15 amSVP200S3240G
Recent Scores
12,751Anonymous3/12/24 6:59 amSVP200S37A120GKingston 120GB SSDNOW 200
7,649StG4/6/23 2:22 pmSVP200S3120GRPi4 with Kingston SSDnow 200
7,531StG4/6/23 2:18 pmSVP200S3120GRPi4 with Kingston SSDnow 200
7,371StG4/6/23 1:02 pmSVP200S3120GRPi4 with Kingston SSDnow 200
7,153StG7/28/22 5:01 amSVP200S3120GPi with Kinston SSD
6,784Anonymous5/18/22 11:15 amSVP200S3240G
6,953Anonymous5/18/22 7:40 amSVP200S3240GKingston SSD 250GB
5,084Anonymous3/11/22 12:28 pmSVP200S37A120G
7,461Anonymous1/18/22 11:54 amSVP200S360GKingston SVP200S360G 60GB SSD
8,122Anonymous1/1/22 6:12 pmSVP200S37A120GKingston SSD Now 200
2,874Akyhne12/21/21 7:09 pmSVP200S37A120GKingston V200 SSD on Pi 4 using LC-POWER LC-25U3-Becrux-C1 USB to SATA hub
6,445Anonymous12/10/21 11:36 pmSVP200S37A60GKingston A400 SSD on Pi 4
7,145Anonymous11/26/21 8:07 amSS200S330GTest
7,188Anonymous9/20/21 2:22 amSVP200S37A60GKingston on Pi4
2,829Anonymous8/9/21 9:00 pmSV200S364GThinkpad i5 2.5Ghz 8GB RAM with Ubuntu 21.04