To run the benchmark paste/type: sudo curl | sudo bash

Brand: OCZ ARC 100 Series

OCZ ARC 100 Series
OCZ ARC 100 Series
Brand Overview
Brand:OCZ ARC 100 Series
Class:SSD (2.5" SATA)
Popularity:#797 / 1,675
# Tests:6
Rank (Overall):#562 / 1,675
Rank (Type):#543 / 984
Rank (Class):#112 / 370
Top Scores
8,460Anonymous2/21/20 6:06 amARC100OCZ 256GB SSD on Pi4
8,410Anonymous6/22/20 3:31 pmARC100OCZ Storage Solutions Arc 100 Series 240GB with SKL TECH USB 3.0 SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable (Amazon)
7,700Anonymous3/7/20 12:54 amARC100OCZ ARC 100 SSD on Pi4 using Pimoroni SATA to USB adapter
6,976RunForCover6/15/21 5:49 pmARC100OCZ 100 SSD attached to StarTech S2510BMU33 USB3 cage plugged into USB3 ports on the Pi
5,856Anonymous3/9/20 7:39 pmARC100SSD 250 GB
2,501ZMJ4/27/20 11:56 amARC100OCZ Toashba with Orico USB Adapter
Recent Scores
6,976RunForCover6/15/21 5:49 pmARC100OCZ 100 SSD attached to StarTech S2510BMU33 USB3 cage plugged into USB3 ports on the Pi
8,410Anonymous6/22/20 3:31 pmARC100OCZ Storage Solutions Arc 100 Series 240GB with SKL TECH USB 3.0 SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable (Amazon)
2,501ZMJ4/27/20 11:56 amARC100OCZ Toashba with Orico USB Adapter
5,856Anonymous3/9/20 7:39 pmARC100SSD 250 GB
7,700Anonymous3/7/20 12:54 amARC100OCZ ARC 100 SSD on Pi4 using Pimoroni SATA to USB adapter
8,460Anonymous2/21/20 6:06 amARC100OCZ 256GB SSD on Pi4