To run the benchmark paste/type: sudo curl | sudo bash

Brand: Samsung SD Pro Endurance (JC2RT)

Samsung SD Pro Endurance (JC2RT)
Samsung SD Pro Endurance (JC2RT)
Brand Overview
Brand:Samsung SD Pro Endurance (JC2RT)
Class:C10 U1
Popularity:#318 / 1,675
# Tests:41
Rank (Overall):#1,278 / 1,675
Rank (Type):#161 / 391
Top Scores
1,558Lazvon12/29/21 1:08 pmJC2RTPi4 2GB Samsung Pro Endurance 64GB overclock 2147/850
1,543Anonymous2/8/24 1:16 amJC2RTSamsung Endurance micro SD
1,539Jeffrey9/15/22 1:26 pmJC2RTSamsung Endurance Pro 64GB on RPi 4B
1,534Anonymous2/12/25 10:23 pmJC2RTPi 4 as a stratum 1 GPS synced NTP server with SD card in native slot
1,528Anonymous10/30/23 12:00 pmJC2RTsd
1,526Lazvon12/29/21 12:39 pmJC2RTPi4 2GB Samsung Pro Endurance 64GB overclock2147
1,520shorted.neuron11/11/22 11:23 pmJC2RT[Araspios bullseye Samsung PRO Endurance 64GB sd slot run2
1,518Anonymous11/22/21 4:20 pmJC2RTna
1,498Jeffrey9/15/22 1:15 pmJC2RTSamsung Pro Endurance 64GB on RPi 4B
1,486shorted.neuron11/11/22 9:38 pmJC2RTraspios bullseye Samsung PRO Endurance 64GB sd slot
1,466TheShawnMiranda4/28/23 12:53 pmJC2RTSamsung Pro Endurance 64GB on Pi 4B Rev. 1.4
1,441Anonymous6/28/21 11:17 amJC2RT
1,439RB2/21/22 7:03 amJC2RTCrucial 2.5 SATA
1,438Anonymous5/2/20 3:14 amJC2RTSamsung PRO Endurance 64GB 100MB/s (U1) MicroSDXC Memory Card with Adapter (MB-MJ64GA/AM)
1,403g0t42/14/24 6:45 pmJC2RTunsure which I ran on
Recent Scores
1,534Anonymous2/12/25 10:23 pmJC2RTPi 4 as a stratum 1 GPS synced NTP server with SD card in native slot
1,372Anonymous12/15/24 9:21 pmJC2RT
1,239Anonymous11/16/24 3:08 pmJC2RT
1,403g0t42/14/24 6:45 pmJC2RTunsure which I ran on
1,543Anonymous2/8/24 1:16 amJC2RTSamsung Endurance micro SD
1,332Anonymous11/16/23 10:49 amJC2RT
1,528Anonymous10/30/23 12:00 pmJC2RTsd
1,224Anonymous9/30/23 6:38 amJC2RTsandisc pi 4
809Anonymous8/10/23 7:04 pmJC2RTSamsung Pro Endurance MicroSD on Orange Pi Zero 2
1,466TheShawnMiranda4/28/23 12:53 pmJC2RTSamsung Pro Endurance 64GB on Pi 4B Rev. 1.4
942Anonymous3/11/23 5:43 pmJC2RTSamsung 64GB PRO Endurance on Raspberry Pi
937zuckerschurke2/22/23 1:38 pmJC2RTUgreen 50743, 174c:235c, Driver=uas
1,115memar2/22/23 12:32 amJC2RTlusb -t
1,217mercu011/6/23 5:53 amJC2RTpi 4 4gb
633mercu1/6/23 4:17 amJC2RT