To run the benchmark paste/type: sudo curl | sudo bash

Brand: Zheino mSATA M3

Zheino mSATA M3
Zheino mSATA M3
Brand Overview
Brand:Zheino mSATA M3
Class:SSD (mSATA)
Popularity:#795 / 1,674
# Tests:6
Rank (Overall):#635 / 1,674
Rank (Type):#614 / 984
Rank (Class):#23 / 69
Top Scores
8,256maxmopp4/19/20 4:54 ammSATAM3256Zhenio 256GB
8,100Anonymous2/19/20 6:04 pmmSATAM3128Zheino P1 (128GB) portable SSD
8,007Anonymous3/11/20 9:16 pmmSATAM3128Zheino 128Gb Extreme SSD on Pi 4 using USB3.1
5,918Anonymous1/24/20 6:47 pmmSATAM3128Zeino 120GB on generic usb3 enclosure. rpi4-4gb
5,431Anonymous2/20/20 1:10 pmmSATAM3128Random Chinesium USB3 SSD
1,907Anonymous1/14/23 10:07 ammSATAM3128Pi 3B+ with SSD via USB2 on hd hat ( Element 14 desktop)
Recent Scores
1,907Anonymous1/14/23 10:07 ammSATAM3128Pi 3B+ with SSD via USB2 on hd hat ( Element 14 desktop)
8,256maxmopp4/19/20 4:54 ammSATAM3256Zhenio 256GB
8,007Anonymous3/11/20 9:16 pmmSATAM3128Zheino 128Gb Extreme SSD on Pi 4 using USB3.1
5,431Anonymous2/20/20 1:10 pmmSATAM3128Random Chinesium USB3 SSD
8,100Anonymous2/19/20 6:04 pmmSATAM3128Zheino P1 (128GB) portable SSD
5,918Anonymous1/24/20 6:47 pmmSATAM3128Zeino 120GB on generic usb3 enclosure. rpi4-4gb